Xp Farm Software Update - 2.5.2 & Loader Update
Xp Farm Update:
- Red Trust fixed (Bot accounts will no longer be banned, main remains safe as usual as the software does not touch it)
- Improved some gui features (code stuff)
- Enhanced bot performance
- Modified how the software cfg works (You will need to delete the old ones and reconfigure)
- You can modify the launch options for each account
- Removed accounts.txt
- Removed 2x option (for resolution) as you can edit this now
- Removed old cfgs and replaced with just one cfg (needs to be placed manually)
- You can open your main directly from the software
- You can set launch options on steam
- Everything more organized
- Protection improvements
- Modifications in the GUI
- Sexy voice and a "surprise" (you'll understand, don't be scared hahaha)
Just reopen the loader!