• To prevent crashes in the latest version, please ensure you have the correct libraries installed.
    Download the necessary libraries from the following links: vc redist x86 & vc redist x64

Purple Service Medal 2023 | Clean with OGE and PoP's included


Steam info
  • Steam Lvl 10
  • 1 Year badge
CS2 Medals

More info

  • Never injected
  • PoP's
  • CD Key's
  • CC used (last 4 digits & name, cc still in use so yeah)
  • First phone number
  • Original Email included (custom domain from a acc selling site)

Any trusted middleman accepted
BIN: 120€
C/O: ?

Payment methods

  • Crypto
  • Revolut
  • TF2 Keys (@1.55$ per key)
Terms of purchase
I'm not responsible of whatever happens to your account after the purchase. Steam can ban or lock any account and whenever they want and for whatever reason.
I will help you as much as I can but that's all.