• To prevent crashes in the latest version, please ensure you have the correct libraries installed.
    Download the necessary libraries from the following links: vc redist x86 & vc redist x64

CS2 Cheat - 2.1


Well-known member
Staff member
Walkbot Unlimited
CS External
Xp Farm
CS2 Cheat - 2.1

- The Walkbot uses CS2’s own navmesh
- The Walkbot works on any official map
- The Walkbot moves in a way that always avoids snaptap and getting kicked for it
- The Walkbot uses algorithms to find the shortest path (A*) and then simplify it (a kind of funnel algorithm)
- The Walkbot jumps and crouches where necessary (most of the time)
- When the Walkbot’s “Smooth” setting is above 6, it activates a humanized mode
- Added a “Team Check” option for the Walkbot (to run in other modes)
- Added an option to set the target switching time in the Walkbot
- Added a debug feature to visualize the Walkbot and the navmesh
- Removed the “unstuck” function (it self-corrects when stuck, so this feature is unnecessary)
- The Aimbot’s Autofire has been improved

The Walkbot will be improved over time. This is the first release with navmesh, so expect more enhancements!
The XpFarm will be ported to the new navmesh very soon.
If you encounter any issues with the new Walkbot or have ideas for improvements, please submit a ticket.
Regarding the update, I shared many spoilers in the VIP Chat on Discord as I was developing it.:)
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