• To prevent crashes in the latest version, please ensure you have the correct libraries installed.
    Download the necessary libraries from the following links: vc redist x86 & vc redist x64

About CS2

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Walkbot Unlimited
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Xp Farm
About CS2

For those who are still unsure about the future with CS2 (which will replace CSGO), the XP farm will receive updates. I'm still uncertain about how I'll maintain it – whether I'll change the game mode to make it lighter, keep it in deathmatch mode as it is, or perhaps create various other game modes. I genuinely don't know, but everyone who has purchased the XP farm will have access to the software when it's updated for CS2. After all, we need to farm service medal on CS2!

New software will come with CS2. The cheat for CSGO was already in development (only a few friends and I were using it, I've never had accounts banned for this), and this same software is already being adapted for CS2 (spoiler, nothing too fancy).

In any case, the XP farm will continue to receive updates, and new features will be coming. I was really looking forward to this, and now I can get back to programming with excitement about creating new things.
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